vrijdag 10 december 2010

The last 6 weeks 7 Art of Breathing course

What a 1,5 month, have just finished 7 courses:) 3 Art of Breathing courses, 1 YES!+ course and 3 Apex Courses!
This was my first experience with the Apex (corporate course). Have given intro workshops for companies before but never had the experience of teaching an Apex course before. Well to be quite honest it was marvellous.
Radha & me taught 2 Apex courses in one weekend, one for the Ministery of Health and in the same weekend for a company called the Burnout-Poli. the people had wonderfull experiences, to see people being gratefull is just one thing, but to see their eyes shine like never before is something to be remembered!
Just today came back from another Apex course, for the ANWB, again same storyline, seeing the shining eyes:)

Well that's it for now! Just started this blog for fun and will see where it will go from here.

see you all!

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