donderdag 16 december 2010

just a wonderfull piece about one of the most essential things in life

Commitment - A Fundamental Human Value

Here comes a beautiful knowledge from our master on an important human value known as "Commitment".
Guruji says commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. When something is convenient (such as eating, or bathing), it is not called commitment. If you are driven by your convenience, your commitment falls apart causing more incovenience. Often what is convenient does not bring comfort but just gives you an illusion of comfort. Also if you are stuck in commitment, and it is inconvenient too often, you will be unable to fulfill your commitment and it will only generate frustration. Wisdom is to strike a balance between convenience and commitment both brings comfort to the body, mind and spirit. A seeker of knowledge should forget about convenience. Those who want want to be creative and adventurous need to transcend convenience. Those who are ambitious and have a passion for a goal wil not care for convenience. Commitment is comfort for the wise. Whenever their commitment is shaken, their comfort is also shaken. To the lazy, commitment is torture though it is ther best remedy. In the long run, commitment will always bring comfort.

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